
Parent Council

Chair's Report for Session 08/09


It is with great pleasure if not a little trepidation that I have the opportunity, as the new Chair person, to report on the past year of the Parent Council.

My thanks go to Mr David Kerr who has helped oversee the transition from School Board to Parent Council. Due to other commitments Mr Kerr decided to stand down as Chair early in the 08/09 school year; however he has remained as an ordinary member of the Parent Council.

During 2008 there were various Parent Council forums/conferences and when possible these were attended by members of St Athanasius Parent Council. The last of these being in December when Mr Kerr and I attended the Parents as Partners conference held in Hamilton. The theme of the conference was making a difference - working together and it gave the Parent Council the chance to see how parents and schools can work together to help support children's learning. Similar forums and conferences are planned for the future and these shall be attended by members of the Parent Council when possible.

Following on from this contact has been made with the Clydesdale Parent Council group and although the Clydesdale meetings have not been attend the minutes of those meetings are regularly passed onto St Athanasius Parent Council.

The subject of the current school building situation has recently become a big talking point. The decant school has been a blessing in that it has given the pupils a better stage to show all the parents their children's different abilities however it has also had some draw backs; but our time in this location is now rapidly coming to an end.

So it is with great expectations that we all now look forward to the opening of the new school; the facilities that will be available to our children and of the opportunities given to the parents to work in partnership with the school to help their children learn and grow.

The Parent Council members can be contacted via the school.

There is also a copy of the Parent Council constitution available to all parents. Contact the school office to receive a copy.

Edward Lebida
St Athanasius Parent Council