
Our School

Welcome to St Athanasius' Primary School

St Athanasius' Primary is a Roman Catholic, co-educational Primary School. We currently have 8 classrooms and a large Nursery Playroom.

The present role of the School is 174, though the current planning capacity is 270. The Nursery capacity is 40/40.

This session, we have 7 classes from Primary 1 through to Primary 7.

On August 20th this year, our new School opened, and it is part of an Integrated Facility including the School, Library, Community Centre and Hall.

Our School is on two levels. The Nursery, and Primaries 1 to 3 are on the ground floor, along with the Office and Administration. Primaries 4 to 7 are on the upper level.

The members of our school community: pupils, teachers and staff, share close relationships. Every member is a valued, respected and important member of a team, all taking a pride in themselves and in their school, all working to help our children to be the best they can be.

We are an integral part of the wider community. We try to play a full part in the life of our local community by participating in a variety of local events and activities and supporting many community organisations. Pupils, parents and teachers are very generous in their support for a number of charities.

St Athanasius' school is part of a three-way partnership. We consider our parents to be our partners in the education of our children. The other partner is the Church. We respect your views and are very happy to listen. We ask parents to support and assist the school's aims and policies so that we can provide the best possible education for our pupils.

'Every voice counts' and our children's views are also very important. They are represented by their Pupil Council.

St. Athanasius' Primary School recognises that good team work among parents, children and schools is the key to a successful education for your child.

Parents are invited to the school on several occasions throughout the year to discuss their child's progress with the class teacher and we are always happy to meet with parents at any other mutually convenient time. We also hope to welcome you on the many other occasions when we will share our children's talents at nativity musicals.


Mr. Francis Farrell
Head Teacher



School Hymn to St Athanasius

St Athanasius, look down on us today,
Help us in our work and in all we do and say.
Teach us to follow God's Holy will,
In all our hearts His love for all instil.

Athanasius our patron pray to Jesus that we may,
Like all the saints in heaven, follow in His way.
St Athanasius, our patron through and through,
Guide us in our lives and in all the things we do.

St Athanasius protect us from above,
With the angels in heaven enfold us in your love.
Guard us and guide us to be faithful, to be true,
To seek truth and justice
To be honest just like you.

Athanasius our patron pray to Jesus that we may,
Like all the saints in heaven, follow in His way.
St Athanasius, our patron through and through,
Guide us in our lives and in all the things we do.


School Hymn